flexible income strategies
Our Strategy
How to invest
@DCP Client Partner?
As an investment boutique, we offer customized investment solutions to our private and institutional investors.
Investors can choose between exclusively managed portfolios or asset management based on in-house funds.
In the institutional area, we are also often selected in special fund mandates as portfolio managers or advisors. Established contacts to the leading (international) capital management companies already exist.
We manage portfolios in CHF, EUR, GBP and USD, with and without currency hedging. In a mutual conversation the advantages of both strategies can be compared with the objectives.
The choice of the custodian bank lies with the client.
Hybrid Bonds
As one of the few specialists in Europe, we focus in the bond area on hybrid bonds, which are beneficial for both the issuer but especially for the investor.
Equities plus options
In addition to dividends, we systematically tap additional sources of income through exchange-traded options on the largest companies in the US and Europe.
Private Equity & Real Estate
In addition to our bond and equity strategies, private equity & real estate investments increase portfolio diversification and income generation.
Multi Assets
Our three investment competences can be perfectly combined as an income-oriented multi-asset approach.
Have questions?
Our team is at your disposal.
+41 43 888 55 88